Friday, May 8, 2009


Cover of brochure

What Does God Require of Us?

The Bible is a precious gift from God. It is like a letter from a loving father to his children.

Sign Languages available: American, Argentinean, Australian (Auslan), Brazilian, British, Chilean, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Ecuadorian, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Mexican, Norwegian, Peruvian, Polish, Quebec, Russian, Slovakian, Spanish (Spain), Taiwanese, and Venezuelan

The Organization

Cover of video

Jehovah’s Witnesses—The Organization Behind The Name

It is the desire of Jehovah’s Witnesses that you become better acquainted with them.

Sign Languages available: American, Argentinean, Australian (Auslan), Brazilian, British, Chilean, Dutch, Finnish, Italian, and Japanese

Family Happiness

Cover of book

The Secret of Family Happiness

Covers virtually every aspect of family life. Points the reader to the finest source of guidance for solving family problems, achieving marital happiness, and rearing children successfully—God’s Word.

Sign Languages available: American, Brazilian, Colombian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, and Russian

My Book Of Bible Stories

Cover of book

My Book of Bible Stories

This is a book of true stories. They are taken from the world’s greatest book, the Bible. The stories give you a history of the world from when God began to create until right up to our present day. They even tell about what God promises to do in the future.

Sign Languages available: American, Argentinean, Australian (Auslan), Brazilian, Colombian, Dutch, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, Polish, and Russian


Cover of book

Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life

A thorough consideration of the knowledge that is presented in God’s inspired Word and that is essential for having his favor.

Sign Languages available: Argentinean, Brazilian, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, and Russian

what does the bible really teach?

Cover of book

What Does the Bible Really Teach?

The Bible provides the key to your enjoying a truly satisfying life. It can help you to deal with problems. Would you like to find out what the Bible really teaches?

Sign Languages available: American, Colombian